Saturday, March 10, 2012


I've learned a lot about myself the past 3 months (yes, 3 months) it's crazy how fast and slow at the same time this internship has gone, truthfully I am so glad i listened to my heart, and not what others told me about leaving and taking some time off of school, I've had to rely on prayer more here then ever! It's been a hard adjustment living in the keys but it's been the best for me! There are days at a time when I just wanna pack up my life and move home and then I have the days where I can't complain, it's a funny little cycle! Working in a clothing store is hard work! Who would of ever guessed! You have to put on a smile even when it's been a rough day! I'm not very good at hiding my emotions, I think I'm getting better at it! There really is no reason to not smile I mean it's sunny and just beautiful here and life is great! The company is amazing! I can see myself working for them once I finish my schooling "if that day ever comes" all in all It's been a very successful 3 months!!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Great post! You are growing and proud of you!