Friday, January 20, 2012


To me my blog is a journal, nothing to personal but I feel like I can write more when I blog. Let me just tell you today was amazing, everything about it was awesome. Work was wonderful I made our daily goal , sold almost $1000 to one family and let me tell you I was in cloud 9! I had to call my boss and tell him I may even had tears coming from my eyes! I just love what I'm doing, and am just so happy how things are going! When I got home tonight Christopher came over and we made a really yummy cookie monster!!! It was delicious!!! Funny story real quick! When me and Linds were coming home from work we hit a pretty big bump and we both screamed, this guy on his bike started laughing and screamed back at us, so of course we do it back and do forth but little did we know a red light was right there do we had to stop and Lindsey kept saying hurrrrry turn green. We didn't get lucky for it to turn but he came right next to us and was like "oh those damn red lights" it was priceless!! I got to talk to jamie tonight and it was awesome I love talking to my fam I miss them like crazy!!!!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Wow carebear... you posted how much money your store took in??? lol! oh heavens!