Monday, January 16, 2012


One of my favorite things to hear is when little miss Reese says "hey caaara" And now Kylie can hold a long conversation and I love watching her just love being an older sister! It's amazing how fast time goes! I got to FaceTime them today! Me and Lindsey went to this amazing hamburger place today for lunch!! It was so yummy but the service was awful!! I need to learn to be more patient with life I decided today! I have always known but I need to change!

Me and Linds went to dinner with our new friends tonight! It was so funny they are awesome!! I think I laughed like 99% of the time!!


Kenzie said...

Reese is SO PRETTY!

JaMie said...

I really need to read this more!! I can't wait to have you be one of my daily blog stops!! I love hearing about this whole KEy West life!!! xoxox We love you!!!